John R Gardner

  • Associate Director, Pittsburgh Water Collaboratory
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Geology & Environmental Sciences

    Education & Training

  • National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow. University of North Carolina
  • PhD. Duke University. Nicholas School of the Environment
  • MS. University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. Marine, Estuarine, and Environmental Science
  • BS/BA. University of Missouri. Soil, Environmental, and Atmospheric Science/Geography

Research Interests

My research focuses on how rivers, lakes, and their landscapes move water, sediment, and elements across continents. We aim to understand links between physical and ecological processes and the impacts of local and global change on rivers and lakes. We use data-driven spatial approaches that combine on-the-ground sensors, satellite remote sensing, and data synthesis. Current research activities focus on human impacts on sediment delivery from continents to coasts and deciphering ecosystem processes from spatial patterns in water quality.